218 S 12th St.
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday, 8 am - 4 pm
Friday, 8 am - Noon
Phone numbers:
Saturday @ 4:30 pm, Osage
Sunday @ 8:00 am, Stacyville
Isidore is the patron saint of Madrid (Spain), of farmers, and of the National Catholic Rural Life Conference in the United States. He began working in the fields of a wealthy Madrid landowner, Squire John de Vergas, when he was very young. Isidore spend his whole life in those fields.
Isidore rose early each morning to go to Mass and, while laboring all day in the fields, communed with God and the saints. Though poor themselves, Maria (his wife) always kept a pot of stew on the fireplace in their humble rural home; often Isidore invited into their home the hungry to feed them.
Frequently Isidore was left with only the leftover scraps for himself. Numerious stories are told of Isidore's love for animals and birds.
Through the centuries many miracles were attributed to him. This saintly man died on May 15, 1130 and he was canonized in 1622.